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Personal, Social and Health Education PSHE


At Christopher Rawlins, PSHE (Personal, Social, and Health Education) is at the heart of our Curriculum and is embedded in everything we do. It is taught as discreet lessons (SCARF) alongside a cross curricular approach.  We want to empower our children to have a strong sense of self- worth and have the confidence to share their own thoughts and opinions.  They will be able to do this whilst demonstrating tolerance and empathy of others.  Our children will have a full understanding and appreciate what it means to be a global citizen in a diverse world.

Characteristics of a Global Citizen:

  • To play an active part in their community.

  • An excellent knowledge and understanding of our diverse world.

  • The ability to reflect and acknowledge when they have made mistakes to help them flourish as a well-rounded global citizen.

  • The ability to accept and value every member of society.

  • To be empowered to hold personal values and beliefs as stand up for what they believe.

  • To be able to hold a healthy debate and to develop awareness and understanding of others.

  • To be able to form healthy relationships.

PSHE long term plan

PSHE progression of skills

Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is taught as part of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum. From September 2020 this aspect of the curriculum became compulsory and has been taught across all year groups.

Relationships and Sex Education plays a vital role in children’s lifelong learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health. It aims to give pupils essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitive relationships and to stay safe on and offline. It enables exploration of attitudes and values, helps build self-esteem and confidence to view their sexuality positively.

Relationship and Sex Education is not just learning about growing up, changes and reproduction. It is also about enabling children to make and maintain relationships with others, to understand about human sexuality and to feel good about themselves and the choices they make. This involves helping children to gain knowledge, develop skills and form positive beliefs and attitudes.

We have reviewed our RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) curriculum and policy to ensure our RSE provision is appropriate for our pupils based on their:

  • Age

  • Physical and emotional maturity

  • Religious and cultural backgrounds

  • Special educational needs and disabilities

The school have consulted on their policy. This consultation process has supported our decision making on when and how content is covered in the curriculum.  This consultation has enabled us to develop a policy that reflects the needs of our children. 

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Department for Education guide for parents about RSE


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