School Uniform
Banbury based embroidery, corporate clothing & schoolwear specialist.
Grey skirt or trousers
Blue jumper / sweatshirt / cardigan / fleece
White shirt , blouse or polo shirt
Grey shorts / culottes or a summer dress (blue and white check)
Short sleeved white shirt/polo shirt
Blue jumper/sweatshirt /cardigan/ fleece
A pair of suitable school shoes
PE Kit
Blue shorts
Plain white T-shirt
Slip-on plimsolls for indoor use
Trainers for outdoor
All children need a blue tracksuit for outside games in colder weather.
Other Key Information
Draw–string P.E. Bag only (we are unable to store large holdalls or sports bags; plastic bags are not suitable) .
Please bring a pair of socks to change into for PE as tights are not permissible
All items of clothing, footwear and lunch boxes must be clearly named.
Skirts and dresses must be an appropriate knee length.
In the interest of safety the wearing of jewellery or other personal adornments are NOT permitted at any time (this also includes earrings). However, children are welcome to wear a watch to school.
Nail varnish must not be worn to school.
In the interests of Health & Safety shoes must be sensible and provide adequate support for heels & ankles. They should be sturdy and suitable for break-times, lunchtimes and when out representing school.
- NO high heels
- NO flip flops
- NO ballet type pumps or slippers
- NO slip on or backless sandals