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Curriculum Vision


At Christopher Rawlins we provide a challenging and diverse curriculum that provides children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to prepare themselves for life beyond the classroom. We place importance on the broader curriculum experiences and opportunities we offer that build on learning beyond the classroom – educational visits and experiences, sporting events and local community projects.


Our 3 core values are centred around courage, responsibility and compassion and are woven into our spiritual, moral, social and cultural curriculum.


For our curriculum this means:

  • Being courageous: we approach our learning with a resilient attitude, and we persevere even if it is challenging. We use our learning in PSHE to build our understanding of diversity and have the confidence to question. We are aspirational in our learning and want to make progress.

  • Being responsible: we take responsibility for our learning and learning behaviours in the classroom. We aspire to be independent learners and are ambitious for our outcomes. We work to understand our role in both the local and global community

  • Being compassionate: we transfer our learning in the classroom, beyond the classroom. We value the importance of each learner as an individual.


Our inclusive curriculum sets high aspirations for all our pupils. It has been carefully sequenced to provide depth and breadth for our pupils, allowing them to make cross-curricular links and apply their learning to unfamiliar contexts. We aspire for our pupils to develop a love of learning and a curiosity about our world. We want our pupils to become life-long learners and be able to think creatively, ask questions, challenge their preconceptions and take risks with their learning. We understand the importance of developing our pupils’ cultural capital and strive to make our curriculum relevant to the context of our school and needs of our pupils, whilst providing them with the opportunities and experiences they need to succeed as learners and global citizens.


We have taken time to understand the needs of our school and community, and sequenced a curriculum that revisits learning and key concepts taught over time. Our long term curriculum plans make clear prior learning for teachers to build on as they teach core areas of the curriculum. 


Some of the ways we know that the children have learnt the areas taught during their time at school are:

  • regular low stakes asessment of key concepts through retrieval practide over time 

  • application of curriculum knowledge and understanding through shared 'final pieces' of curriculum learning

  • summative and formative assessment opportunities 

  • question level analysis of summative assessments at least termly, to pinpoint missed learning and areas to focus on for over learning and revisiting

  • support provided for children if they have not learnt key concepts through scaffolded learning opportunities 

Curriculum overviews 2024 - 2025

Early Years
Years 1 and 2
Years 3 and 4
Years 5 and 6
Curriculum overviews 2023 - 2024
Early Years
Year 1 and 2
Year 3 and 4
Year 5 and 6




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Website Design by Blue Planet IT Ltd.

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